Crohn's Disease Management Through The Holidays
Approximately half a million individuals in America are struggling with Crohn's disease. It is one of the more prevalent types of IBD, and it can result in anything from abdominal pain and fatigue to dangerous weight loss due to severe diarrhea.
Crohn's disease brings remission and periods of worsening symptoms (flare-ups), and dealing with your condition demands various lifestyle changes, dietary choices, and medication. However, large meals and holiday stressors like travel can exasperate your symptoms.
This holiday season, take digestive relief into your own hands with help from Digestive Health Partners. This post offers tips for managing Crohn's disease so you can enjoy time with family and friends.
IBD (Crohn's disease) Tips For The Holidays
Understand what sparks your flare-ups. Because Crohn's disease is highly individual, the flare-ups and related symptoms are exclusive to each person. For example, some people may have a dairy intolerance and experience flare-ups when consuming dairy, while others find their symptoms worsening after consuming acidic foods.
Keep a close eye on your diet, medications, and symptoms. It is helpful to jot down what you eat and how you feel afterward in a notebook to see patterns of which foods make your Crohn's disease worse. As we head into the holiday season with all its tempting food options, do your best to steer clear of anything that will set off a flare-up.
Don't overeat. Due to the centrality of meals during holidays, it can be easy to eat more than usual mindlessly. However, if you have Crohn's disease, binging or trying new foods can result in a flare-up.
A symptom of Crohn's disease is a lack of appetite. Minimize stress on your bowels by attempting to eat smaller meals or snacks five to six times throughout the day rather than two or three large meals.
Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Although alcohol is consumed often during social gatherings and holidays, it can worsen Crohn's symptoms. Not only alcoholic drinks but beverages like caffeine and carbonated sodas can irritate those who have Crohn's.
Remember to take your medications on time! If you have Crohn's disease, you're certainly not alone. There are many different types of remedies available to help manage the condition. Whether your symptoms are under control or you're experiencing some digestive unrest, chances are good that you're on a regimen designed to reduce inflammation and irritation.
The holidays are chaotic, and letting go of your routine is easy, especially if you're traveling. Not taking your medication could result in a Crohn's disease flare-up, so be sure to take your medicines as prescribed throughout the holiday season.
Managing Holiday Stress. Although the holidays are a generally happy time, often we're left with unrealistic to-do lists and big family gatherings, which can lead to feeling stressed. While stress alone doesn't trigger Crohn's disease, it has been linked with worsening symptoms.
Try incorporating healthy stress-reducing activities like yoga, deep breathing, or meditation into your routine. If you smoke cigarettes, quitting can help improve Crohn's symptoms, so now is a great time to kick the habit. And if you don't smoke, resist any temptations that come your way this season.
Exercise regularly is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Did you know that working out benefits your entire body, not just certain areas? Did you also know that it can help reduce symptoms of Crohn's disease? Exercise lowers stress levels naturally, reduces your likelihood of depression, and helps normalize bowel movements.
You don't have to start going to the gym for hours every day to experience the benefits of working out. Instead, try a milder exercise like taking a stroll around your neighborhood.
Digestive Health Partners Can Help With Crohn's Disease
We encourage you to contact us and set up an appointment to help diagnose and help you find the best treatment plan for managing your gut health. Don’t let your IBD (Crohn's Disease) ruin the holidays.